Hello! Welcome to the Crudwell Village Hall web site where you will find information about the hall, who runs it, who pays for it, what’s on, how you can hire it and pay for it.
There are a few sections that will tell you about our regular users that might be of interest, including:
- Crudwell Badminton Club
- Crudwell Recreation Action Group (CRAG)
- North Wiltshire Villages Flower Club
- The Arts Society Malmesbury
- Crudwell Pre-School
- Pilates
- Rugby Tots
- Short Mat Bowls Club
- 1st Crudwell Scout Group
- Crudwell Ladies
- Tai Chi
So please, take a look around and see what’s new.
Our independent voluntary group of Managing Trustees manage the day-to-day operations of the hall, whether it is daily maintenance, managing finance, insurance, marketing, communications and keeping up with the variety of regulatory rules and legislation.
Each Trustee is elected or re-elected annually at the AGM, and we might co-opt others during the year. All Trustees are financially and legally responsible for the overall management of the hall. But you don’t have to become a Trustee just to help!
The management meet frequently to review income and expenditure, bookings, recent hires and forthcoming maintenance needs. Periodically, we also plan for larger capital items such as the recent facilities refurbishment and refit.
Income from regular and ad hoc users covers the maintenance and upkeep of the hall.
Major improvements and new equipment are funded by special events, in particular the annual Crudwell ‘Le Mans’ 24hour Bike Ride.
We need your help!
We are looking for feedback on the proposed Crudwell Hall Park Project, take a look here
Join us –
If you are interested in learning more about how we operate, helping on a voluntary basis or becoming a Trustee, please send us an email – hello@crudwellvillagehall.org